Artful Expectations
Below is a list of courses taught with class descriptions, procedures, expectations, and policies. Should you have any questions, please reach out at Specific documents related to the course can be found on Google Classroom or Moodle.
Classroom Support:
In my classroom, several methods will be used to support students. Below is a list of the accommodations or supports that will be available to all students:
Students who are struggling in class will be given preferential seating.
All projects and multi-day assignments will be chunked into manageable pieces.
Students are allowed to utilize additional technology, including cell phones, to support their learning as guided by the instructor.
Graphic organizers and rubrics are available and utilized on all writing assignments.
A copy of class notes will be available to students online ( or a hard-copy of the notes will be located in a classroom file box at the front of the classroom.
Class PowerPoint slides will be available on Google Classroom.
Guided notes will be provided to students prior to note taking activities.
Study guide answers will be provided in class after students have made an attempt. Study guide answers will be posted online at least 1 day before the test.
Quizzes are untimed in my classroom. The classroom environment is quiet until the last person finished or until the class period ends. This "extra time" meets the needs of students eligible to earn time and a half extra time on assessments.
All unit assignments will be eligible for full credit if turned in prior to the unit assessment/test date.
Academic Center drop-in support will be available to all students upon request. Students will be expected to be in the classroom for all instruction and during in-class work time, if the student cannot get the help needed, they will be allowed to use the AC.
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class daily and take responsibility for all their actions.
Respect everything in the class, including peers, materials, instructor and expect respect in return.
Plagiarism (using someone else's idea, words, or images and presenting them as yours) will result in a zero. Your artwork should be unique and original.
Learn to give and receive constructive criticism from peers and instructor.
Always ask a question when unsure of something. There is no need to be confused.
Learn to enjoy the process of art-making in drawing, painting, graphics, or photography, despite the technical difficulties you may experience.
Make good use of every class period, there is always something to create in art/photography class.
If absent, students must make up any missed work in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed notes, handouts and assignments from instructor.
Cell phones can be used for academic purposes. However, this is a privilege. If your cell phone becomes a distraction it will be confiscated for the remainder of class.
Lastly, students are expected to follow all Rochester Community School rules and policies. This includes all rules pertaining to food and beverages, cell phones, and technology agreements.
Darkroom Photography
Darkroom Photography, known as Photo 1, explores the basics of traditional black and white film photography as well as digital photographic processes. Through examination of the history of photography and modern photographic artworks students will gain an understanding of how photography is an important mode of communication and visual expression. This course is designed to help students become familiar with the technical and artistic aspects of photography. Students will develop an understanding of photographic history, theory, and technique. Students will explore 35mm SLR manual cameras, black and white film processing, and print production in the darkroom. Additionally, students will practice digital photography using DSLR digital cameras and cell phone cameras. By the end of the course, students will be able to think critically, problem solve creatively, and appreciate differing points of view. They will attain an understanding of vocabulary, skills, and techniques associated with photography. Additionally, students will create original images to describe their knowledge and understanding of the practical and artistic processes of photography.
Course Materials:
In order to be successful in class, bring the following materials to class daily: Pen/pencil, black permanent marker, 3 ring binder, top loading plastic sheet protectors, and camera (if possible)
A 3-ring binder is necessary for the course as it will be assessed as a part of your grade. It is needed to keep track of class handouts (including syllabus), class notes, film negatives, test prints, and contact prints.
Rochester Community Schools provides all the necessary materials and supplies; however, there is a limited amount. Film and photo paper will be provided on a as needed basis.
A course donation of $10 will ensure that the course is able to provide the fullest experience that allows students to explore the medium with greater amounts of images and larger prints.
If you desire to purchase extra film or paper, you may. We use Kodak Tri-X 400 speed film and Illford Multigrade IV Resin Coated or Kodak Polycontrast Resin Coated (pearl or glossy) paper. Ask for specific locations to purchase these items.
Students will also be using a manual 35mm single lens reflex cameras. There is a limited amount of school cameras available. We suggest, if possible, that you purchase a new or used 35 mm manual camera for this class. For specific camera suggestions, contact instructor.Assessment & Evaluation:
Projects will be graded on a variety of criteria, including understanding, craftsmanship, creativity, and process. Late work will be accepted up to one week late; however, your grade will be lowered by 10% each day, unless previously discussed with the instructor.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and result in zero on the assignment. Plagiarism includes the use of ideas, words, or images of another person and presenting them as your own. Your artwork should be unique and original.
Your grade will be based on total points of projects, assignments, and quizzes. The final exam is worth 10% of the total grade.
Video Production
In Video Production, students will develop their talents in the visual arts through digital media. Students will learn to cript out, shoot, and edit video projects. Students will have the opportunity to create unique stories while exploring various media literacy resources, digital filming and editing techniques.
This is an introductory course designed to provude students with artistic, creative, and historical background in the fields of video, broadcasting, and film production. In addition, this course provides instruction and training in pre-production, production, and post production phases of project development. Students will also anlayze and critique peer’s work to complete the creative process. Following this course, Advanced Video Production is also a course option to continue to progress in the skills developed in Video Production.
Assessment & Evaluation:
Projects will be graded on a variety of criteria, including understanding, craftsmanship, creativity, and process. Late work will be accepted up to one week late; however, your grade will be lowered by 10% each day, unless previously discussed with the instructor.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and result in zero on the assignment. Plagiarism includes the use of ideas, words, or images of another person and presenting them as your own. Your artwork should be unique and original.
Your grade will be based on total points of projects and assignments. The final exam is worth 10% of the total grade.
Advanced Placement : Computer Science Principles
Course Overview and Goals:
This course seeks to provide students with a “future proof” foundation in computing principles so that they are adequately prepared with both the knowledge and skills to live and meaningfully participate in our increasingly digital society, economy, and culture. Along the way students learn:
How the Internet works and its impacts on society.
How to program and rapidly prototype small JavaScript applications both to solve problems and to satisfy personal curiosity.
How to collect, analyze and visualize data to gain insight and knowledge.
How to evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects to people and society brought on by computing innovations.
Coverage of the AP CS Principles Framework and Computational Thinking Practices
The course is organized around seven big ideas, which encompass ideas foundational to studying computer science. Six Computational Thinking Practices Computational thinking practices capture important aspects of the work that computer scientists engage in.
Big Idea 1: Creativity
P1: Connecting Computing
Big Idea 2: Abstraction
P2: Creating Computational Artifacts
Big Idea 3: Data
P3: Abstracting
Big Idea 4: Algorithms
P4: Analyzing Problems and Artifacts
Big Idea 5: Programming
P5: Communicating
Big Idea 6: The Internet
P6: Collaborating
Big Idea 7: Global Impacts
Course Outline:
Unit 1: The Internet - This unit explores the technical challenges and questions that arise from the need to represent digital information in computers and transfer it between people and computational devices.
Unit 2: Digital Information - This unit further explores the ways that digital information is encoded, represented and manipulated.
Unit 3: Algorithms and Programming - This unit introduces students to programming. This introduction places a heavy emphasis on understanding general principles of computer programming and revealing those things that are universally applicable to any programming language.
Unit 4: Big Data and Privacy - The data rich world we live in also introduces many complex questions related to public policy, law, ethics and societal impact.
Unit 5: Extending Programming - This unit continues to develop students’ ability to program using block and text based languages.
Unit 6: Performance Task - This unit will be devoted to developing the student’s Performance Tasks to be submitted for the final exam and the AP exam.
The student’s grade will be comprised of daily in class assignments, collaborative work, practice performance tasks and summative assessments. The grade will be based on total points.
Performance Task:
There will be two main types of performance tasks that will be practiced during the year. One of these will be focused on creating and the other on exploring topics in computational innovations.
Practice Exams:
The students will be given at least one practice exam each semester. The exam will be comprised of both a performance task as well as multiple choice questions relating to the material that has been covered.
Semester Exams:
Semester exams will be given at the end of each semester to all students who have not met the attendance incentive. These will be multiple choice questions covering any concepts that have been covered thus far.
Semester exams will be given at the end of each semester to all students who have not met the attendance incentive. These will be multiple choice questions covering any concepts that have been covered thus far.
AP Exam:
The AP exam for this course has three parts. The students must submit a create performance task and an explore performance task before April 30th. The students will also take a 74 question multiple choice exam on Friday, May 15th 2020.
This class will rely heavily on collaboration between students. The students will be expected to work in both pairs and groups. In addition, the AP create performance task is done in collaboration with another student.
This class will rely heavily on collaboration between students. The students will be expected to work in both pairs and groups. In addition, the AP create performance task is done in collaboration with another student.
Class Guidelines:
The following accommodations will be provided to all students:
Students who are struggling in class will be given preferential seating.
All projects and multi-day assignments will be chunked into manageable pieces.
Class PowerPoint slides will be available on our classroom website.
Study guide answers will be provided in class after students have made an attempt. Study guide answers will be posted online at least one day prior to the test.
Academic Center drop-in support will be available to all students upon request. Students will be expected to be in the classroom for all instruction and during in-class work time, if the student cannot get the help needed, they will be allowed to use the AC.